The wind under your wings
Life becomes a lot easier when your Baba knows how to be the wind under your wing and when to take you under his wing. This is a feeling that every Papa’s girl and daddy’s daughter will know. They are always there in ways you may not see but can feel in every breath of you.
Departure flights from home are sad. This time, while coming back from India, my father fussed that he did not get much time to buy gifts for me. He could only pack four boxes of English crackers (by the way these are the best biscuits Kolkata has), two bags of Darjeeling tea, one kantha stitched dupatta and one handmade pen pouch. Like always I gladly accepted all of them. Now can’t deprive Maa of my gratefulness; she tried her best to make potol r mishti (our heirloom sweet meat), right before the flight so that they stay fresh till I reach US. And of course how can I not mention a lot of tender loving care.
So, when I was unpacking my bags, feeling sad and grumpy, I decided to satiate myself with a cup of Darjeeling tea and biscuits. I missed their company. I often tell myself in times like this that this too shall pass; there will soon be a moment when you will make a full pot of tea to share and not one cup of tea. Yet I was sad. I thought what more could I do to get over my loneliness and suddenly something came back to my mind. I took out the dupatta that I tucked safely in the chest of drawers just moments earlier, thinking that this is too precious to be used. I wrapped it around myself twice and felt secure just the way a penguin daddy secures the egg between his feet. I sat by the window sipping the Darjeeling tea, wrapped tight in the dupatta and appreciating the warmth of the moment.
This time you travel with me Baba. I believe quantum physics is real enough to give me another soul of his, who is by my side and navigating me through the toughest days of my life.